1. Timeliness - The newness of the facts.
2. Proximity - The nearness of a given even to place of publication.
3. Human Interest- The drama the surrounds people involved in an emotional struggle.
4. Prominence - the newsworthiness of an individual organization or place.
5. Conflict- The meeting of two or more opposing forces.
6. Interviews- The meeting in which the interviewer asks questions to the interviewee to obtain information for a story.
7. Research- To look and find information on a topic.
8. Quotations- Words taken from text or speech and repeated by someone other then the original speaker or author.
9. Yes-no question- A question that is simple and can be answered by a yes or no.
10. follow-up question- A question that follows an answer to a different question.
11. Objective writing- Writing not influenced by personal opinions or feelings.
12. Transition paragraph- Provide a connection between facts and quotes.
13. Hard news story- States the facts and what occurred in the story.
14. Soft news story- Background information or human interest stories like commentary.
15. Inverted Pyramid- A style of writing in which the most important thing starts the piece and background information ends it.
16. Third-person point of view- Uses pronouns like he, she, it.
17. 5 Ws and H lead- Who, What, When, Where, Why, How.
18. editing- to fix or edit (in journalism a piece of writing or story)
19. attribution- to contribute or give to.
20. paraphrase- rewording of something written or spoken by someone else.
21. fragmentary quotation- single word or short phrase used by the source in a quote that is included in a paraphrase.
22. direct quotation- the report of exact words of an author or speaker.
23. partial quotation- is a direct quote with some text or words removed from it.
24. Uses of quotations- used to put words of another into one's peace of work
25. When to use quotations- use quotations when quoting someone
26. When quotations are unnecessary or not desired- to state the facts
27. Editorial- a news story with an opinion
28. editorial page- where editorials are in newspaper.
29. columns- An article in a newspaper about a certain topic ex. advice column.
30. editorial that criticizes- An opinion piece that critics another piece.
31. editorial that explains- explains the authors opinion and explains their side.
32. editorial that persuades- an opinion piece directed towards the reader to convince them the writer is correct.
33. letter to the editor- a letter sent to to a publication about issues of concern from its readers.
33. letter to the editor- a letter sent to to a publication about issues of concern from its readers.