Thursday, September 15, 2016

School Uniforms


  • School Board Member
  • Students 
  • Principal
  • Teachers

  1. Why do you think school uniforms are a good/bad idea?
  2. Who made this policy and do you agree with their ideas? Explain.
  3. How do you think the district will benefit or not benefit from this new policy? 
  4. How does this policy personally affect you?
  5. What influenced the making of this decision?
  6. What will the new uniforms look like? 
  7. Will students have a say in the design of the uniform?
  8. Where will this change be in affect? 
  9. When will this policy go into affect and when will students be able to receive the uniforms?
  10. What was the process of the school boards decision?
  11. How do you think students and faculty will feel and be affected by this policy?
  12. What is the financial aid plan (if any) for students who may not be able to afford the uniforms?
  13. Do you think students will be condemned in these uniforms? Explain. 
  14. What are the pieces of clothing included in the uniform?
  15. What are the punishments for students refusing to follow these guidelines?
  16. Why was a dress code not sufficient?
  17. What company will these school uniforms be bought from by the district?
  18.  What will students be allowed to do in terms of makeup, hair and other accessories? 
  19. Is there a possibility this policy could be removed?
  20. At what measures could this policy be repealed? 

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