Friday, September 16, 2016

Current Events #3

1. How much is the settlement for the death of Sandra Bland? 
The settlement for the death of Sandra Bland is $1.9 million.

 2. What is the Austin City budget for 2017 and how much more will this approved budget cost each resident next year?
The budget for Austin is $3.7 billion in 2017. This budget will cost residents $87 more in taxes and fees. 
3. Name 3 ride sharing business available in Austin? 
There ride sharing businesses available in Austin are Fasten, Fare, and RideAustin
4. What is the record of the Bowie varsity volleyball team? 
Bowie's varsity volleyball team has a record of 26-9 
5. What is the purpose of a Skinner? 
 The purpose of a Skinner is for fitness, walking your dog and other everyday things. Skinners are not a shoe or a sock they are the in-between or the hybrid of the two. 

Long Response 
The small gap in the Texas polls is significant because Texas is usually an all red state or in other terms clearly republican. I think the gap is changing bc Texas is becoming more diverse with more people moving from places like California and Mexico. I think the race for presidency is really that close because this is such a controversial election. Most people have a very strong opinion about either candidate which affects the swing of the votes. There are also those people that can be voting because they dislike one of the candidates so they vote for the other. If I could vote I would vote for Hilary Clinton I believe that she is way more qualified to be in the position of president due to her past as first lady, secretary of state, etc. Unlike Trump, Hilary also has a plan she explains how she's is going to fulfill her promises. She could also become the first woman president of the United States. I think my parents beliefs and my beliefs are extremely similar especially with my mom. I always talk politics with her and I enjoy doing so. On the other hand my grandparents and other family members views are a little different then mine. I think a potential should use there instinct and morality to decide the next leader of our country. I also think they should keep in mind the whole country rather then there personal benefits. Coming from that I think that one of the problems in our country is people are too focused on themselves then the general population. The president of the United states plays a role in being a public figure for others and makes decisions on important issues. The president also is the figure of our country they are representing our country so voters should keep in mind would they want Hilary or Trump to be the representation of our country. 

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